Octavi OS 3.0 Android 12 For X00TD

New Octavi Os 3.0 Update For Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

« Codename: XOOTD

« Octavi os version: 3.0

« Build date: 20211019

« MD5: 04A48B4591ECE11CE76328EBASF358E1

« Maintainer: @nazrielcz

Changelog 3.0

- Welcome Android 12 (Initial release)

- Initial unofficial release

- Based 4.19 kernel 

- Added Monet implementation from ProtonAOSP

- Redesigned Settings Homepage

- Added a user card on the homepage

- Introduced Greeter (Insulter basically xD)

- Enabled 2 Button navigation bar

- Added 3 finger Screenshot

- Introduced PixelPropUtils 

- Enabled Themed icons 

- Added overlays so Google apps are following monet too (Update Google apps from play store after flash)

- Reduced screenshot dismiss delay time

- Enabled one hand mode by default (Swipe on navbar)

- Added min and max refresh rate options

- Added Double tap 2 sleep in Octavi Launcher

- Enabled Mic and Camera toggle tiles

- Enabled A12 beta features (Ripple on charge and unlock)

- Added overlays to make the Power menu more consistent with UI

- Something else that I might forgot

Note: Features will be added from the next release with the Octavi Lab addon. Till then no spam for it.


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About the Author

Hi I m Tonny Stark Own And Founder of Techhnoob.blogspot.com

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