Oppo A16s With Triple Rear Cameras, 20:9 Display Launched: Price, Specifications

Oppo A16 was launched in Indonesia at IDR 1,999,000 (roughly Rs. 10,300)
Oppo A16s With Triple Rear Cameras, 20:9 Display Launched: Price, Specifications

Oppo A16s has been launched as a new affordable smartphone under the Oppo A-series. The Oppo phone comes with a waterdrop-style display notch and two distinct colour options. The 

Oppo A16s also carries 

triple rear cameras and has preloaded features such as AI Beautification, Dazzling Mode, and Bokeh filters to enhance photos. There are also pre-installed features that are claimed to protect overnight charging and reduce night-time power consumption. Overall, the Oppo A16s seems to be a minor upgrade to the Oppo A16 with the addition of NFC support to its specifications. The new model also carries a higher RAM and storage configuration over the existing one.
Oppo A16s price

Oppo A16s

price has been set at EUR 149 (roughly Rs. 13,000) for the lone 4GB RAM + 64GB storage configuration. The smartphone comes in Crystal Black and Pearl Blue colour options and is currently available for purchase only in the Netherlands. Details about its availability and pricing in other markets are yet to be revealed. The Netherlands listing was initially reported by GizmoChina.

Last month, the Oppo A16 was launched in Indonesia at IDR 1,999,000 (roughly Rs. 10,300) for the 3GB + 32GB configuration.
Oppo A16s price

Oppo A16s price has been set at EUR 149 (roughly Rs. 13,000) for the lone 4GB RAM + 64GB storage configuration. The smartphone comes in Crystal Black and Pearl Blue colour options and is currently available for purchase only in the Netherlands. Details about its availability and pricing in other markets are yet to be revealed. The Netherlands listing was initially reported by GizmoChina.

Last month, the Oppo A16 was launched in Indonesia at IDR 1,999,000 (roughly Rs. 10,300) for the 3GB + 32GB configuration. Oppo have 5000Amh Battety Last up to 1 Days

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Hi I m Tonny Stark Own And Founder of Techhnoob.blogspot.com

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