QPST Flash Tool Download For All Android Devices

QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tools) is a small application for Windows Computer, which allows you to flash stock firmware on SD Device

QPST Flash Tool (Qualcomm Product Support Tools) is a small application for Windows
Computer, which allows you to flash stock firmware on Qualcomm smartphones and

Here on this page, we have shared the latest version of the QPST Flash Tool and the

previous releases.

Features of QPST Flash Tool


QPST Tool comes as an installer application, which means you have to install the

computer application to use it. Download and extract the tool on your computer and run

the Setup file to complete the installation process.

QPST Configuration:

It allows you to monitor the status of active devices, available serial ports, and active

clients. QPST Configuration can be used on other QPST clients.

Service Programming:

It allows you to save the service programming data to file and flash the same service

programming file on multiple devices.

Software Download:

It allows you to Flash stock firmware (ROM) on any Qualcomm Smartphone and Tablet. It

also allows you to backup and restores non-volatile (NV) memory contents. 

RF Calibration:

It allows you to access the Qualcomm Device NV items, which control the RF usage. These

features only work with SURF and FFA devices, and they may not work on other devices


Inbuild QFIL Flash Tool:

QPST Tool comes with the inbuilt QFIL Flash Tool, which also allows you to Flash Stock

Firmware on Qualcomm smartphones and Tablets.

Download QPST Flash Tool

QPST Tool is compatible with the old version of Windows OS, including Windows XP

to Windows 10 (x32 or x64 bit). If in case you were looking for the latest version of

the QPST Tool, then use the following links to get it on your computer:

v2.7.104: QPST_2.7.104.zip Here

Readme Once:

1. How to Use: If you wish to learn to use QPST Tool, then head over to How to use

QPST Tool page.

2. Caution: Take a backup of your data before using the QPST Tool, as your data

will be deleted after flashing the stock firmware using QPST Tool.

3. Alternative Qualcomm Flash Tool: We have also shared bunch of tools, which

also allows you to flash stock firmware on Qualcomm Devices. These are QFIL Flash

Tool, QcomDloader Tool, GNQC Download Tool, Qcom Phone Download Tool, Smart

Phone Upgrade Tool, eMMC DL Tool, Qualfast Tool, Mi Flash Tool.

4.Credits: QPST Tool is created and distributed by Qualcomm Mobility Inc. So, full

credit goes to them for sharing the application for free.

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About the Author

Hi I m Tonny Stark Own And Founder of Techhnoob.blogspot.com

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