Miui V12.5 Global Stable With Android 11 For Redmi Note 10 Pro (Sweet)

MIUI V12.5.4.0 - GLOBAL STABLE | Android 11. Device: Redmi Note 10 Pro | sweet |

MIUI V12.5.4.0 - GLOBAL STABLE | Android 11.

Device: Redmi Note 10 Pro | sweet |

Maintainer: Team Redmi

Version: MIUI V12.5 | OFFICIAL

Android: 11

Size : Recovery [2.8 GB], OTA [289 MB]

Updated: 01/07/21

Device Changelog:

* Mi Pilot release

• Fix: Lock screen notification animations froze after the device was unlocked using face data 

• Fix: Notifications flashed in some cases

• Fix: Floating notifications weren't displayed correctly in landscape mode

• Fix: Notification badges weren't updated for incoming notifications on a locked device


It official Global Stable Rom Form Xiaomi Team

Downloads Link:-

Recovery Rom


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About the Author

Hi I m Tonny Stark Own And Founder of Techhnoob.blogspot.com

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