Flyme os 9 Form meizu 16T for Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

🆕FlymeOS 9 | A11 | PORT | X00T | Zenfone Max Pro M1

📱Device : Asus Max Pro M1

📱Codename : X00T/X00TD

🗓Build Date : 18/6/2021

🤖Android Version : 11

#️⃣ Flyme version : 9

⚠️Status : PORT

👨‍💻 Ported By : @Abhijithwayn


- Fixed ril

- Fixed fingerprint

- Fixed faceunlock

- Fixed rounded corner

- Fixed flyme camera

- Removed Chinese app

- Fixed Ui lags 

- Include gapps


- Bt Audio

- Call recording (for some user)

- If find then report



- fw +63 required

- Recommended do clean flash

- Flash magisk after first boot

- Change wallpaper if any lag Occurred

Credits :

- @Aju_george , @Jigar_punadiya , @madmoon23

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Hi I m Tonny Stark Own And Founder of

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